
How to Run Startup Repair Windows Server 2008

I messed up.  Information technology happens to everyone from time to prison term.  In my case, I was playing roughly with my system kick manager because I wanted to setup Boot To VHD.  Well being tired and non thinking to clearly, I made the changes to the {afoot} boot token instead of the new one I had antitrust created.  You guessed it… Afterward devising this mistake my machine would no longer rush.  Since it is Saturday late good afternoon and I have to get on poin in Boston connected Monday, I motive to get it NOW!

I had two options…

1) Restore from backup: Yes, I let a backup of my entire machine from just a few days ago.  Nevertheless, since then I have added some 20 virtual machines to this windows Server 2008 R2 machine and I really do not want to do that again.   If I have to work this way, It is going to be a very long weekend.

2) Figure out how to fixing my screw up:  This is the option I chose and I am glad I did.  After about 30 mins of playing with it, I got everything choke off and running.  Add another copulate hours to create this post for you and I am prepared to get rear to run.

I am not going to bother telling you all the things that I tried that did not work,  IT is safe to say that I got pretty familiar with the BCDEdit tool using the /? key 🙂  I also tried the automated fixing but the world-class time I tried it I had several drives plugged into the system and the repair did not work indeed great.

You can find details of the BCDEdit.exe tool around here:

Bcdedit.EXE  – I did not bump this extraordinary peculiarly reclaimable

BCDEdit.EXE Command-Business line Options I am hopeful as the Windows 7 and 2008 R2 Intersection Releases to General Accessibility, that the documentation will capture better!

I could not find out any good resources for the tool (otherwise the /? for help connected the tool).  There is a Microsoft site happening BCDEdit but I found that data link to be pretty useless because the Word docx requires a password which I dress non know.  I will see about getting that fixed.

However, I will share what did work thusly you make not have to struggle with it.

I disconnected all but my boot driving and Videodisc drive. I shodden from a Windows Server 2008 R2 Videodisc (if you are on Vista or Windows 7 operating theatre Server 2008, utilise that DVD alternatively). While IT was on the screen asking me what language I wanted I pressed Chemise-F10 (sorry no screenshot, will try to add one next week when I have more time). This born me to a command prompt.  From the command prompt, I browsed to experience what my drive letters were and what files I had.  The DVD for ME happened to be the X drive.  I drilled down along my cd to the Sources folder past the Recovery Folder and I found an executable named StartRep.exe (buzz, that is newsworthy… Let's see what it will do)  I ran the file, it took about 20 seconds to scan my machine superficial for problems and told me that if the problems were fixed, my machine would boot after doing a re-start.  I restarted my machine and… OUTSTANDING my motorcar was booting normally.  Deep breath and suspiration of relief.  Simple troubleshooting and I dodged a heater.  Indeed the complete path to the file for me was x:sourcesrecoveryStartRep.exe .  I assume StartRep.exe stands for Start Repair.

It worked wonders for me and I can buoy tell you that I LOVE Waiter 2008 R2 AND Windows 7!

I could now flummox into my machine but my hypervisor would non thrill any of my VM's (major bummer). I was getting Result ID 14050 error messages . One Sir Thomas More matter was required.  Because this is a Hyper-V machine I needed to tell the boot manager that it is using a hypervisor. From an elevated command prompt, I had to run the tailing…

bcdedit /put over {current} hypervisorlaunchtype auto

Then POWER OFF AND UNPLUG the machine (not honorable restart)

I left it turned for a minute, shod IT clog and fired up a distich VM's… Succeeder!

I am a trifle fussy because I noticed that the verbal description of my boot was nowadays "Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (recovered)" and I did not want that thus I needed to make one more change…

bcdedit /coiffe {up-to-the-minute} description "Windows Server 2008 R2 Initiative"

This renamed the charge item and I now believe I am finished!  I ran BCDEdit again and all looks near.

If you want training on BCDEdit check up on… TechNet Unleashed- The Microsoft Virtualization Tour… Registration OPEN!.  If it is already closed by the sentence you record this, check my blog for the complete session transcription after the series is out-and-out.

Just in type you need it, after fastening my political machine, I printed out the BcdEdit Details…

The TEXT Version…


Windows Boot Manager
identifier              {bootmgr}
device                  sectionalisatio=DeviceHarddiskVolume1
course                    bootmgr
description             Windows Boot Manager
locale                  en-US
come into                 {globalsettings}
default                 {prevalent}
resumeobject            {3938319b-a727-11de-99f0-d2ca60b37081}
displayorder            {current}
toolsdisplayorder       {memdiag}
timeout                 30

Windows Boot Longshoreman
identifier              {current}
device                  zone=C:
path                    Windowssystem32winload.exe
description             Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
locus                  en-America
recoverysequence        {3938319f-a727-11de-99f0-d2ca60b37081}
recoveryenabled         Yes
osdevice                sectionalisatio=C:
systemroot              Windows
resumeobject            {91dd3e04-b052-11de-8ed0-806e6f6e6963}
hypervisorlaunchtype    Auto

Graphic Translation…


Here is what the BCDEdit looks like on my Windows 7 Machine that is setup for dual boot with the 2d boot partition being on a separate hard drive.

The textbook version…


Windows Charge Manager
identifier              {bootmgr}
device                  partition=DeviceHarddiskVolume1
description             Windows Boot Manager
locale                  en-U.S.
inherit                 {globalsettings}
default                 {current}
resumeobject            {fdf03d8b-19b0-11de-98ce-001c2512ad0f}
displayorder            {fdf03d90-19b0-11de-98ce-001c2512ad0f}
toolsdisplayorder       {memdiag}
timeout                 15

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {fdf03d90-19b0-11de-98ce-001c2512ad0f}
device                  partition=D:
path                    Windowssystem32winload.exe
description             Windows Server 2008 R2
locale                  nut-United States of America
inherit                 {bootloadersettings}
recoverysequence        {fdf03d91-19b0-11de-98ce-001c2512ad0f}
recoveryenabled         Yes
osdevice                partition=D:
systemroot              Windows
resumeobject            {fdf03d8f-19b0-11de-98ce-001c2512ad0f}
nx                      OptOut
hypervisorlaunchtype    Auto

Windows Boot Dockhand
identifier              {current}
device                  partition=C:
path                    Windowssystem32winload.exe
description             Windows 7
locale                  en-U.S.
inherit                 {bootloadersettings}
recoverysequence        {dfb74341-6571-11de-8673-002269c69093}
recoveryenabled         Yes
osdevice                sectionalisatio=C:
systemroot              Windows
resumeobject            {fdf03d8b-19b0-11de-98ce-001c2512ad0f}
nx                      OptIn

The Expressed Rendering…


I hope if anyone out thither makes the same mistake every bit me, you find this post and nates fix it pretty easily.  Once I get my Boot to VHD working (After Monday) I will do a Dance step Aside Ill-trea postal service on that action and put a link hither.

How to Run Startup Repair Windows Server 2008


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