
Origami Design Secrets 2nd Edition Domain_10

stars_5 - Review added the Wednesday 06 January 2021 by Francesco M
A must-have for any folder or aspiring origami designer. The diagrammed models alone are beautiful, ... (Read more) and it brings the readers to design their own models, starting from simple modifications to advanced techniques. I wish there was also an entire chapter about the 22.5 degrees design technique.
stars_5 - Review added the Monday 21 December 2020 by Colin WW
Excellent book worth the money for the diagrammed models alone. However this book contains so much ... (Read more) more. A gradual and structured introduction to design. Starting with minor modifications to existing models through well organised origami techniques all the way to designing your own models if you would like to. In my opinion this is a must for serious origamists.
stars_5 - Review added the Friday 16 November 2018 by André L
un incontournable, une "bible", néanmoins réservée à qui lit l'anglais!
j'achète celui-ci... (Read more) pour l'offrir à un adulte qui débute avec enthousiasme!
stars_5 - Review added the Friday 03 August 2018 by Linda C
Very good book. Great value for money. The models alone would make it worth it, but the bulk of the ... (Read more) book, teaching you how to design your own models, is great too. Incredible book, a must-have for anyone who wants to learn to design origami.
stars_5 - Review added the Thursday 07 December 2017 by Hao L
stars_5 - Review added the Monday 04 December 2017 by Jean-Marc B
Une référence, un monument, si on veut comprendre l'origami et se lancer dans la conception. Passi... (Read more) onnant.
stars_5 - Review added the Saturday 11 March 2017 by Ingeborg E
zuverlässig, gute ware, bis jetzt immer schneller als angegeben eingetroffen.
stars_5 - Review added the Saturday 12 November 2016 by Tomasz W
Very interesting and well written book.
For people who want to understand principles of origa... (Read more) mi designs. There is math part, very hard.
stars_5 - Review added the Monday 22 August 2016 by Matthijs VDB
Great book. Beautiful models and a lot of info about designing origami.
stars_5 - Review added the Tuesday 19 April 2016 by François C
Livre passionnant qui est très instructif!
stars_5 - Review added the Monday 21 March 2016 by Jonathan S
A great book including great and clear diagrams, CPs, the Theory behind Origami Design, and how to r... (Read more) ead CPs. His book is highly recommended!
stars_4 - Review added the Sunday 21 February 2016 by Tony WWWWWWWWWWW
No problem with this book. The package is sufficient to protect the book.
stars_4 - Review added the Saturday 20 February 2016 by Claudine P
Livre excellent, très nombreux et beaux modèles avec progression dans la difficulté. La traductio... (Read more) n en français serait un atout pour atteindre la perfection...
stars_4 - Review added the Thursday 07 January 2016 by Salvador C
molt bona i ràpida i molt segura
stars_5 - Review added the Thursday 14 May 2015 by Kerstin WW
A classic and must have for any origamist!
stars_5 - Review added the Wednesday 01 April 2015 by nick DB
The book arrived very well packed and was in perfect condition so i couldn't wish for anything more ... (Read more) :)
stars_5 - Review added the Thursday 25 December 2014 by Christophe D
Très bel ouvrage de référence.
stars_5 - Review added the Thursday 20 November 2014 by Anne H
I'm really looking forward to exploring this book, which starts with things I can tackle then leads ... (Read more) onto things I can simply admire. Excellent.
stars_5 - Review added the Monday 08 September 2014 by Marcin S
This is the book guys, the bible of origami. If you want to learn how to design then look no further... (Read more) , you found the book. It teaches basics of design which, mind you, require you to be at an advanced level of origami to handle them. After that the difficulty increases, but the possibilities skyroket along wth it. Remember that lizard you designed? Well now you can add toes to it, and a jaw! And in a few chapters you will learn that you can cover it entirely with scales. Yup, scales! And eyes, tongue. And longer legs too! Yes, it's all in here. And the funny part is that you can go on the book really hardcore, like I did, and do all the exercises in it. Fold everything! Design a toed frog from the frog base with one of techniques!This is the book I always wanted to have. And now that I have it I will have a professional split it into tomes, because 750 pages of soft-cover is not going to last forever.
stars_5 - Review added the Friday 01 August 2014 by Jarmo PPP
Very good instructions and it's not expensive.
stars_5 - Review added the Sunday 22 June 2014 by Thimo W
Sehr interessantes und lehrreiches Buch mit vielen schönen Faltanleitungen. Besonders gut ist es je... (Read more) doch, da man viel über Origami-Design lernt und beigebracht kriegt, sein eigenes Modell zu entwerfen.
stars_4 - Review added the Wednesday 19 February 2014 by Martin J
Très beau livre, le seul inconvénients ,c'est qu'il est en anglais.Sinon les modèles sont géniau... (Read more) x (surtout le coucou!)et je le conseille grandement!!!
stars_5 - Review added the Thursday 07 November 2013 by Raffaella PPP
My favorite book really enlightening
stars_5 - Review added the Sunday 18 August 2013 by Karl-Heinz G
Great book! I haven't read it but I folded some designs from it. I recommend it for any origamist.
stars_4 - Review added the Friday 17 May 2013 by Patrick BB
Excellent livre, clair et pédagogique, drôle aussi par moments. Je le recommande à tous ceux qui ... (Read more) veulent se lancer dans la création de modèles : c'est une vraie bible.
stars_5 - Review added the Monday 20 August 2012 by Jana D
Excellent book. Diagrams and crease patterns are clear and easy to follow. Theory is a bit advanced ... (Read more) for my skill level yet, but it's still an interesting read. Only drawback is weight of the huge book :)
stars_5 - Review added the Friday 01 June 2012 by Aude M
Pour qui veut se lancer dans la réalisation de ses propres modèles, Origami Design Secrets fait fi... (Read more) gure d'ouvrage incontournable. D'une organisation très claire, d'un propos et d'une illustration limpides, ce livre permet d'aborder théories et techniques avancées sur l'origami par l'application directe de ces dernières dans les modèles "diagrammés" de Robert Lang. Ainsi, même sans posséder un excellent niveau d'anglais, les francophones seront en mesure de suivre les applications des mathématiques à l'origami, aidés en cela par les nombreux schémas parsemant le propos. je ne peux que recommander cet ouvrage. Bon pliage à tous !
stars_5 - Review added the Sunday 01 April 2012 by Midas B
This book is amazing. I like almost every model and the diagrams are very clear.
stars_5 - Review added the Monday 26 December 2011 by julien G
Une excellente seconde édition! Plus limpide, avec quelques chapitres en plus, ODS est la bible des... (Read more) plieurs!
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Origami Design Secrets 2nd Edition Domain_10


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